Thursday, June 10, 2010

You Already Have Your Answer...

I always love a happy ending...

Whatever it may be, well, sometimes.

Work lately has been pretty slow, and slow = boring!!!

I have a MID (Manager in Development) he does all the work...which = MORE BOREDOM!!!

This leaves me time to catch up on boring office work, update lists, and do what I do best...chit chat!!

I passed the bar to see a young lady studying at the bar...We are Aggieland so this is not uncommon. So I started to chit chat!

She just got hired at Happen's in Historic Downtown Bryan. As GM!! If you consider all things...this is HUGE!!!

All things:
21 years old
just graduated
no management experience
GENERAL MANAGER at a respected Fine Dining restaurant


So we chatted...and chatted...and chatted...

I mean really I probably interrupted her from her studies more than she was able to study.

She is having to CRASH into her role.

She is taking a 12 week training program and cramming it into SIX DAYS.

I am the area training manager for the NW Houston this makes me absolutely cringe.

As we chatted...we had the exact same major and she was sharp so this should be a breeze for her.

I told her about a couple of books that were helpful to me when I started, because let's just be honest folks...

Female managers get put into the "bitch" category before they even get a chance to show you if they belong there or not...and a YOUNG female manager...well let's just say that respect is something that some people have problems giving a young female...


So anyhow...closer to the end of the night we were graced by...hmmm we will call him WTF!!!

I saw WTF sitting in the bar at a booth. When his food got there I saw him pick up his margarita (because it is margarita madness...and we pimp ritas!!!) and graze the cocktail area. He started to sit at a tall table, but then he eyeballed the seat at the bar next to Cuidado and went in for the kill.

It was funny to watch what was cognitively going on his eyes. It was like he wanted to sit at the bar the whole time, but defeated himself and went for the tall table. Then he got a burst of confidence and put his head down and went in.

I noticed that he had a shirt on with a logo from a dealership here I did what anyone would expect from me...I sang him his jingle.

After the icebreaker (I am good for those) we started chatting.

The conversation started normally...but went south QUICKLY.

In the first 5 minutes of this conversation...with TWO STRANGERS...this is what he dished:
  1. He was 39
  2. He hates his wife of 19 years
  3. he will be divorced in a week
  4. he has 4 kids
  5. he played AA baseball out of high school
  6. so did his dad
  7. so did his uncle
  8. so did his grandfather
  9. he played baseball at Texas A&M
  10. he would have gone pro but he was injured
  11. he is only 5 foot 9
  12. he blames that on his mom, because all the rest of his family was tall
  13. he was a special forces dude
  14. he hates his wife
  15. his dad was a millionaire
  16. his kids hate his wife
  17. he made $19,000 the last two months
  18. he worked 3 jobs and slept in his car to be able to afford an attorney to divorce his wife (that he hates)
  19. he works out a lot
  20. he lost 20lbs
  21. he sell a shit ton of cars
  22. he hates his wife
  23. he met a chick in HEB with his daughter the day before
  24. he told her to lose his number because his daughter "saw someone else in her eyes"
  25. his wife got him fired from his last job
  26. did I mention that he hates her...
OMG...this is a true story. This man was so obviously defeated in his life...he thought he was perfect...but he was a really bitter, angry, and sad man.

If you give a mouse a cookie...he'll ask for a glass of milk.

Well we gave this mouse a rita, and he had therapy at our bar.

I mean this guy came on STRONG.

But not in a, I feel really secure because I am in the presence of a strong man...

But in a, Holy Shit...this guy is about to roid rage and kill us all...

Bless Cuidado's heart...he set his sights on her.

She went to the restroom and he asked me..."so what do you think???"

"Ummmmm, about what?"

(I tried to play dumb...because we already all knew the answer)

"About Cuidado," he said, "do you think she would go out with me?"

"Oh....well it just really sounds like she has a lot going on right now with her new role and new responsibilities"

And he automatically said...well then that is a no...

He had done that several times...that himself a no...or painting a negative picture and then leading you to a NO, before you even had time to decide where you were going to take it.

I even said to him several times...IT IS ALL IN HOW YOU PRESENT THE QUESTION...

meaning...If you present something in a negative will get negative results...if you present something in a positive get positive results...


So back to Cuidado...

She came back from the restroom and he went out to his car to get me a card. (my sister is looking at cars right now)

I told her that he set his sights on her...she reiterated that he knew she was TWENTY-ONE...just a few years old than his oldest daughter...AHHHHHH

When he returned he wrote his name and cell on the back of the card and gave it to me...then I saw him do the same...(He was going to give it to Cuidado)

It got to the winding down phase...where they were both going to leave and I noticed that he was lingering.

I automatically go into mommy mode...

I was concerned for Cuidado's safety a bit...I mean I already told you the overbearing psycho vibe WTF gave me.

I walked the dining room to check out my servers and saw the beater that WTF got out of.

I mean really...if you made $19,000 last month and your father was a millionaire and you are this car selling machine...WHY ARE YOU DRIVING A BEATER?!?!?!?

This sort of takes all the stories and flushes them...

And the overbearing gets transformed into psycho creeper.

So as WTF was about to go in for the kill...(give her the card...)

I consulted with my Eagle..."It is obvious that she is weirded out by this you think she is the type of chick that would play along if I tried to 'help' her?"

Eagle thought so...

So I waltzed back over to their area...I'm graceful like that...DON'T HATE!!!

I asked..."Hey...were you still going to go to Carol's with me tonight after this?"

CAROL...really Jacklyn...who has a friend named Carol...I mean I opened my mouth to be smooth and CAROL comes out...

But she played right along..."Yes, I am still going"

And he got his answer...

I saw him slip the other card that he was going to give to her back into his pocket.

He picked up on the fact that she was not waiting there for him...but for me...

Well at least as far as he knew...

And he left...

There is your answer...