Monday, August 31, 2009

Soccer Chicks Started a Wave

I hate walking up to the front and it looking like the front door vomited people is just not a comforting sight to see.

At this point we only had Sonrie up front.

This would have been a task for even the most seasoned of hostesses.

The waiting list looked like the this:

UTSA Soccer Team 35
family #1 9
family #2 10
family #3 5
family #4 5
random person 2
random other person 4
random other person 4
and family #5 6

I have said it before...there are two dangerous times in the restaurant...when we are empty and when we are full.

On this day the two happened within minutes of each other.

The 35 was here...and I had 35 seats mapped out...and ready.

Except some butch chick with really nice legs started cattle calling her girls. You go go go here...

and I had to slow her roll...Mam...I have this planned out already...since ya'll are paying together we need to try to keep you in the same are & split between as little servers as possible.

What I wanted to say was Bitch I don't tell you how to kick a damn ball...don't tell me how to do my job.

So she cuts her eyes at me and says..."well I am paying for her (she points across the restaurant) and her (points to another table) and her (and points to another table)"

Mind you these girls are sitting with their families.

I wanted to punch this bitch.

That meant that I had to void all the food...rering it on another tab...have each server print their ticket so I knew who rang how much...merge all the tickets from all the servers together to the it out...then do some good old algebra to figure out who got how much tip...keeping into account that the server that had it under them would have to pay tipout on the sales

I wanted to drop kick this bitch...then punch her again for looking at me and answering me with all that attitude...this isn't the soccer field boo...this is my turf

So at this point I realized what i had in front of me and just sat them...I had other fires to put out.

As I am walking to the back I see a well dressed man talking to my busser...I walk up and he must have thought because of my blonde hair and light skin that I didn't know what he was saying.

In Spanish he was telling the busser that we must have thought he was a dog or something...serving him food with a hair in it.

So I asked if there was a problem only for him to turn and put a quesadilla in my face to show me the hair.

I back'd up...I didn't want him putting that shit in my face. I believed him...but with his aggression I didn't want him putting anything in my face.

I apologized and offered them something else. But he declined. So I took the food off the bill and went for the next fire.

I ran a plate that had taken to too long out to the table. I thought I saw soccer digs so I asked the girl. Are you with the soccer team too...(I was more so asking because I did not get a ticket for a soccer chick from this table)

she replied in a way that made me smile...

I played on the winning team...and pointed at her read



Poor Charles was in back trying to help Hihi...but with no luck.

Clancy must have done something right bc the other coach (the one who paid) handed me his card to run it telling me that he could only authorize a 15% tip.

Our company's policy is to not ever add gratuity to bills...

So he suggests that I just write in 20%...because the school will pay it if it is written in by a manager. lease my people could get paid for my headaches

So we all sighed a big sigh of relief...the rush was over.

at least that was what we thought

then the flood gates opened...and in came the waves.

We were all making it as best we could...and by that I mean we were all still standing when we closed.

My girls came in and yelled something that I hold dear to my heart!!

F those soccer bitches!!! I'm going for a drink!

Monday, August 10, 2009

PSA...Don't Shop at Pet Smart

I am all about supporting people who support you!!!

Especially with the economy being the way it is businesses are FIGHTING over customers.

Big name chain retail shops are all doing things to draw people into their they should be.

It is the little things like what they add to the world that make the difference of where I shop.

Target gives back to the local school districts...I SHOP THERE!!!

HEB donates to local food banks...I SHOP THERE!!!

Petco donates to events that support St Jude's Children's Hospital...I SHOP THERE!!!

Pet Smart...well let's just be honest...

I can walk in to Petco or Pet Smart and give two shits where I am.

They both cater to my dog's needs by over pricing the items I need...but make up for the cost with the experience of allowing me tote my dogs along to help decide what is best.

So those little things make the difference...

Pet Smart is closer to my house...but I will drive the extra miles...I will tell you why...

(Did you doubt that I would)

We are hosting an event to raise money for St Jude's Children's Hospital.

A dog wash!!!

We are going to "Wash Away Cancer"

So we hit the community...bc a community that supports each other...grows together!!!

Petco is going to donate soap & treat bags for the dogs...YEAH!!!

Wiggles N Wags is donating HOME MADE DOGGIE TREATS!!!

Pet Smart said that donating to this event would be a conflict of interest.

If that was all they said then I would have just figured that they supported another cancer foundation...or something...

but what came out of the manager's mouth next was what astounded me.

Mind you that one of our reps went in and presented the man with our intentions...we were going to host a one time pet wash to raise money to donate to the hospital...and that we wanted them to potentially donate soap or other supplies.

His response...

This would be a conflict of are washing dogs...that is what we do here...why would be help you take business from us.

Our response...

IT IS FOR KIDS WITH CANCER...not for profit...Go figure this Pet Smart is in a retail strip where Circuit City...AND Linen's N Things once lived...this strip is cursed...and your business will be the next to close FOR SURE...

Of course we didn't say those things...because that would make our company the same as theirs...our rep recognized that she was representing more than herself...way to go miss christi

So class...let's go over what we covered today...




Saturday, August 1, 2009

I give Props where the are due!!!

So in true Jacklyn fashion I was behind in all my to do's...and time was running out.

I had to go see my fat doctor & get my nails done...and be at work by 11

I got the doctor out of the way & called the nail shop to make my appointment with Paul.  

Only he was ON VACATION.

THE dare he take time off work!

(I am kidding)

So I figured that there was no need to be ugly and say, "Ok, just put me down with anyone, EXCEPT Laura."

I went ahead and went with the luck of the draw.

I got Alan.

Alan is a super swole guy...I mean is not that often that you see a swole Asian guy.

He is actually the guy who did my nails WAY BACK...and when he asked me who usually does my nails...and I said Paul...he asked me why I didn't ask for Paul...and I replied...I DID

but this time he was in a great mood...except for being perturbed that someone jacked up his nail drill...RUDE

But I want to give him his props...he did a GREAT good that he may have become Paul's replacement...

SIKE...but he will FOR SURE be my back up!!

Now you have options!