Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I don't know what is going on with these sorostitutes...no doubt it stems from some Daddy complex they are hiding.

They have started a new trend- the sorostibow.

I am not knocking bows. They are adorable...if you are under the age of 10.

At 20...not so much.

And it is like they are competing. The bigger the bow...the bigger the H...get your mind out of the gutter.

So what do we do to combat these ugly bows? We make up a pointless game to help pass the time!!!

Here is how you Sorostibow Hunt!!!

It is based on a point scale.

If you have a sorostibow at your table then you get an automatic point!

If you are able to snap a pic of the sorostibow then you get 2 points. The catch with this is that a manager CANNOT see you take the picture or it null & voids your points. (you are not allowed to use your cell in the front of house) &&& there can only be one pic taken per table.

If you are able to motorboat this sorostitute then you get 6 points. This has to be witnessed by two people or caught on video.

If you are a hostess you must say the following, "Oh my God, I DIE...that is so cute" WITH THE MIC PUSHED so the manager can hear it. (shout out Rachel Zoe)

***disclaimer*** Rachel Zoe is a super hot celebrity stylist...she in no way supports or encourages the sorostibow, but she does have a super cute catch phrase...it is BANANAS!!!

The person that gets to 10 points first gets to eat for free.

I know, I know...this is a LONG thought out game. Where in the world did we find the time to come up with it...and are there really enough sorostibows in College Station to validate a winner?

The answers are HOLIDAYS IN COLLEGE STATION and yes.

Sad, but true.

Now I am not knocking these over exaggerated accessories. I am knocking the adults that make the choice to wear them...

Just remember that the next time you slap a big ass bow on your head...and you hear people snickering...they are probably laughing at you!!

And smile...you may be on camera!!!

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