This art cannot be cannot be learned.
You either have it hidden deep within your heart...or you don't.
This art is the art of whit...the art of rhetoric...the art of whipping your tongue so quickly between your teeth that it draws exactly the reaction you set out for.
I am thankful for this art...thankful that I possess this...and thankful that others do too.
I am thankful for it healthy or is all healthy...
you must be selective in the ways you use it, and with whom...
My father always told me that it was unfair to go into a battle of whit with an unarmed man.
I am thankful for banter and jokes...
I am thankful for spoken word...
I am thankful for poetry.
Both written and spoken...especially spoken.
I am thankful for people like Joaquin Zihuatanejo.
I am thankful for his style...his flavor...
Thankful that my favorite piece of his tonight contained the phrase, "Mother Fucker..."
This art that he possesses was not taught to him.
It was only nurtured...encouraged...developed...and ROCKED!!!
What is your art...
is it natural...or was it taught to you...