Sunday, December 28, 2008


The holidays are a slow time for us!!!

And by slow I mean that 80,000 people leave this college town and our business leaves with it.

On nights I would normally need 3 people at my front door and 6 people in my kitchen...we run with 1 and 4...


So what do you do when you are entertain yourself.

So that is exactly what we did.

Once I cut Jerry Mae we sat man'd a phone and got at it.

Our first victim was Dallas. He answered the phone, but not how we we yelled what we were supposed to say to him. And hung up...

the we called back until we got the greet we wanted.

Our next victim was Jurrow. Jerry Mae ordered some chicken strips from her...and insisted that she not put any of that WEAK ASS HONEY MUSTARD...this was all imprmptu so when I heard that I almost peed myself...I had to cover my mouth and my head to keep from bursting.

At this point we had an audience...Jurrow, Dallas, Jerry Mae, and myself.

We decided to prank another restaurant.

We called there and ordered a menu item that only we sell.

The boy on the other end explained that we would have to go to us to get that...but Jerry Mae explained that he was too drunk to go there...that he could only walk to that restaurant.

The guy apologized...being that they just didn't serve that kind of food.

Jerry Mae then suggested that he would have to enlist illegal drugs to aid his sobriety so that he could drive.

As they ended their conversation Jerry Mae suggested that they add the item to their menu...the boy on the other end of the phone had no idea that it was a prank...and he suggested that they add the illegal drug to the menu...


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