Thursday, February 5, 2009

Don't Inturrupt...RUDE

I was at work today...doing my thang...

Clancy came to me to vent...he is usually the first one to let me know when someone is being a jerk.

Someone walked up to Menn's table to ask them to leave.

They seriously walked up to a table and said, "They are going to split us up if you don't hurry and leave, so we can sit there. So will you?"

The table responded telling them they paid already but were enjoying conversation...

The BOLD asshole then asked them if they thought they could enjoy conversations in the bar or outside.

I was told this after the assholes were sitting...they really ran someone off...

In my mind I walked over and gave them the worst service EVER...but in reality this damn recession enables me to fake a smile and serve them any how...

Menn retrieves the drink orders from around the table when she gets to the end...and the guy mumbles off some Jibberish that makes NO sense to anyone...

His buddy clarifies that he speaks another language and only HE can understand him...he was the interpreter. IDIOTS

In disbelief of the maturity level of these twenty something college goofs...I continued my night of DEEP CLEANING...boss man is coming through!!!

With that being said...check out this YOU TUBE clip...HILARIOUS

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