Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Grabby Guests

I was in the office when I hear something that is not that uncommon to hear in a restaurant.

Someone burned their finger.

Then that was reinforced by Macaroni. She had that look...she just said, "this lady is pissed."

She had a care package put together to give the lady...

When I approached the table the woman ALMOST seemed like she was going to be nice...almost. She started off smooth, and then threw in the F bomb.

The way it was Prexpained to me.

**I was an English major...that means I can make up words**

Mercedes dropped the food off at the tables...some SIZZLIN fajitas...and put the fajitas in front of the mother.

When we train our servers we train them to put them away from the children.

This lady flipped out and pushed the skillet with her bare hand...thus burning it.

End Prexplaination

So her F bomb came in this form, "Who the FUCK puts a skillet in front of a 15 month old child. I mean, you just don't do it. It is because she is not a mother. "

Then she tries to appeal to my womanhood. She was VERY scam artistesk...

She continues, "You are a mother. You know. I can tell by how you look at him."

So I answer her with an apology and a, "No mam, I am not a mother. But common sense does tell me that you don't put that in front of a child."

She told me off the jump that she thought she was going to the ER. That she had 3rd degree burns...

So I asked to see them.

They didn't really even look that pink...she automatically commented on that...telling me they would be burnt soon...

I was beginning to ask myself if this woman was drunk.

Then I thought maybe I was drunk...bc the kid at the table looked like a little girl straight out of a horror film. She had a creepy little voice...and she said in the most mono toned voice..."I'm worried about my mommy. She is hurting bad. She is going to have to go to the hospital."


So I box up the little girl's food as her mom calls people and screams the F bomb each time as she reacts the whole damn thing.

The whole time I was boxing up the food the little munchkin was grabbing everything...I understood this lady's concern...

But there were some questions she was asking that were just plain fishy.

Then as she was leaving she asked the new hostess Crash if she was the manager. When she said no...she said, "Oh so ya'll have two fat girls running around here."


I mean what is worse than being fat...


I am a thickin...and aware...

And I am ok with that. Crash, however, is young...and not as comfortable in her skin.

That woman envoked a nasty part of me that wanted to do vile things to her...

I wanted to Grab her...

1 comment:

L.D. said...

I must say I'm impressed about the restraint you showed in this situation. I hope her child grows up with the ability to view the drama and not participate or be sucked in by it. Seems to me that the child doesn't have a chance with the example the mother, and I do mean this in a parental sense, shows. Luv