Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I Should Have Known

I had three days off...three days of relaxation and fun...I should have known tonight would make up for that...


I got to work and was tired, so I asked Tito to bring me a Rock Star Juiced...YUMMMY

As we started filling up #3 let me know that a guy was bugging her for her number in the cocktail area. Those guys are fun. I mean what girl does not want to be told to "give me you fucking number!"???

About the third time she declined he informed her that she just jacked up her tip...boo hoo

As I was helping at the host stand when he would randomly ask North Zulch what she just said...she used me as a scape goat and told him, "she said it, not me"

So he asked me what I said...and I gave him my standard response, "I just told her how amazing your hair looked tonight." He looked crazy and asked why I though is hair looked bad...I told him that he said that...I just didn't disagree.

So the guy went outside and was smoking a cigarette when a regular told me that he was hitting on every girl that entered or exited our building...NICE

Lucky for me I had 4 CSPD sitting at my table 73...so I asked them to be aware.

Sure enough the guy grabbed the host microphone and started yelling, "Hey you in the green hat." to someone outside. And the officers asked them to leave...


After that someone notified me that the men's room needed attention. So when I walked in to vomit on the walls, stalls, doors, and floor...I walked right out and called for back up...I am a puker...and gagged about 10 times in the midst of the cleaning...YUCK


Two guys came in to visit Guero...it was his uncle and cousin...but he didn't want to talk to them...strange...but whatever...

the guys don't really speak English so I was automatically enlisted to entertain these guys...I was in and out on thier converstations and the more they drank the crazier the topics got...

I heard about music from the 70's, 80's, & 90's...he hummed a few bars...I got to hear about how he was here illegally...that he swam over...and if I called the cops it was cool...he would hang out in Mexico with his family for a few days and that he would be back...

they were harmless...but I still have to do my job...

So I cut them off...and he begged me to let him drink more...but I had to decline...they paid out tipping the bartender $5 & me $10...little did they know I can't take tips...so I gave the rest to Teeg...

they left after telling me that they could get lost in my eyes...those dang sweet talkers...Im not buying!!!!

AND THAT CONCLUDED MY CRAZY NIGHT...I should have known that I would not have a normal day back

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